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A Treatise against Civic Nationalism, Infotainment & Outrage Farming


Civic Nationalism is for those among us who base a large percentage of their identity on the country with which they reside within, for this reason the worldview these people claim to follow is always changing with what the regime institutes or defines as acceptable. This means adopting a country's heraldry and symbology, it means capitulating to the governing body and it's national assembly and assuming their views. In the United States of America civic nationalism is enforced by Congress and the Senate, elsewhere it is a House of Commons and a Parliament.

In truth, Civic Nationalism is a matter of perspective, one of corporatism and multiculturalism versus homogeneity and ethnonationalism. After outsourcing one's identity to that of their country, these civic nationalists become separated from their ancestral roots, which made them who they were, both individually and collectively. And in the modern era, political figures use this false sense of a national identity they've crafted to reimagine those who have given themselves over to the state to be ruled. The national identity imagined by politicians is forever changing, like goal posts that are always out of reach, essentially these civic nationalists are lead through life by special interest groups.

As with most things these days, anything that may directly or indirectly be attributed to European ingenuity or excellency is being stripped away and erased, this includes your ancestral heritage and any mention of your historical traditions. Many have concluded that this is a trait indicative of cultural marxism, which may be true, but what they fail to address is the viral nature of this plague. While there are groups working on creating a counter-culture to rebuke this assault on our ancestral heritage and traditions, what goes unmitigated is the rapid decline of the European diaspora. There are vast networks developing between European ethnonationalists, but not without resistance from civic nationalists who cling to the objectivism and universalism espoused by secularists.

While civic nationalists have been atomized and brow beaten into a metaphorical corner, what they lack is the inspiration to take charge of their lives, often because they have surrendered to secularists and special interest groups, who work day and night to undermine the world view of European ethnonationalists. This is evident in many instances, but the one that comes to mind the most is that of groups engaging in mimicry, they see isolated groups of Europeans achieving success but rather than engaging with that group and learning what makes their efforts so effective, civic nationalists copy what's being done and it becomes a shallower version of the original; in other words it is a top down cycle without substance continued in perpetuity. Notably we have observed this with the Proud Boys, many of whom sought a new fraternity following January 6th, and in doing so preserved the majority of the red/brown alliance ideology with which they subscribed to previously and fused it with a masochistic desire to be pummeled by sadists, who presented themselves as active clubs and nationalist groups; this is not to say all of those groups are frauds.

The resulting conflict that develops with the uptick of civic nationalism is a people who are more opposed to European ethnonationalism than most secularists and special interest groups. These golems who dream of being revolutionaries, knowing only the regime that shaped their identity for so many years and the dispossession they felt by having their material comforts stripped away or having been targeted by said regime, have gone on to create a spectacle of themselves by ostracizing their kin for not intervening on their behalf; while having the foresight and intelligence to create mannerbunds to safeguard their collective interests. These same golems have simultaneously taken to the streets, courts, streaming platforms and social media to vent their outrage. Through a lack of substance and commitment to educating themselves on European ethnonationalism, civic nationalists have become a mirror image of suicidal transvestites, who are unable to distance themselves from politics due to what is commonly understood as stockholm syndrome. This has birthed a culture of infotainment which has spawned an audience that's addicted to outrage, which we have resolutely opposed as it serves no benefit to our folk.

In closing, it is imperative that European ethnonationalists seek to remedy the disillusions civic nationalists suffer from and impart on others, lest they drift back into old habits of letting the regime shape their identity as doing so would jeopardize everything we have built.