One of our least favorite duties, but which is an absolute necessity is the process of procuring funds to cover the movement's expenditures. While it may not seem like much, operating something at this scale costs money, especially for as long as we've been bearing the torch. Through our tribulations we have been lucky enough to come across some marvelous people who were financially secure enough to monetarily contribute to our vision, and even though those contributions were of great help, the unfortunate reality is that costs keep adding up every month. This is why we recommend that supporters subscribe for a low monthly fee, rather than allocating a large sum of money to us which they may need later down the road. In this way contributions are more sustainable and encourages supporters to take up a more proactive role within the community, opposed to contributing to the cause and then disappearing for months on end or entirely without a word.
As we mentioned in the preamble, there are many expenses for a group or organization to take into account, we will delve into these later on, but for now these are broken up into two categories, which are physical assets and digital assets. Physical assets are those that assist in the process of advertising and recruiting, because without those functions you have no say in domestic affairs. You may attend speaking functions and political action committees, but ultimately your power ceases to exist once everyone in the room leaves, the ideas you mention may only stick in the minds of a very select few. So it is imperative that, like us, you have other mediums to get your message out, this also has the benefit of assisting the group in evading censorship, as online moderators cannot be both online and walking through neighborhoods taking your posters and stickers down. Digital assets are those that aid an organization in expanding their reach beyond the limitations of physical assets and municipal boundaries.
In our earthly realm we require several items to carry out our operations, most importantly is a piece of technological equipment that opens a gateway to digital assets: being a modern computer, following that is a printer, which both permit us the ability to manufacture resources and disseminate content in the streets and in online spaces. And since we're on the subject of devices, speakers and microphones are just as important for playing music and speeches produced by our members as well as assisting us in recording processes. Other physical assets manifest themselves in a more directly evident manner, such as real estate to host events from, chairs and cots for participants to be seated and sleep on, tables and shelves to advertise our folk's material on, transportation to get participants from point a to point b or to get advocates to and from community outreach programs, merchandise which advocates our goals, sporting equipment, food and beverages to ensure festivities are enjoyed for as long as possible, and so on.
In the online ecosystem we require several items as well to carry out our operations, these include computer software and development packages used in the creation and storage of items like literature, activist material, learning aids, etc. Some of these packages are available with a one-time purchase, while others like cloud storage providers demand on-going subscriptions. Then there are the costs associated with maintaining the group's online presence, through hosting our own website, which everything is centered around and flows outward from onto other platforms like social media. Here we incur costs for acquiring a domain name and securing ownership of it every year, followed by purchasing virtual hosting to upload all of our website assets on so that others can access them, then there is the matter of routinely updating the website and performing maintenance on it. There are even hidden charges that we incur for providing the ability to donate to the group, such as payment processing fees, which is often times 2.5% per transaction.