- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and count and represent quantities within 10
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and recognize 2-D and 3-D shapes in the environment
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and compare objects by length, area, mass, and capacity
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and order a sequence of events according to time
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and recall addition number facts to a sum of 20 and related subtraction facts
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and identify and sort 2-D and 3-D shapes
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and order objects according to length, area, and capacity
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and identify cycles of time from nature and calendars
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and add and subtract numbers within 100
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and sort shapes and describe the sorting rule
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and measure length in centimetres
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and describe durations of time in days, weeks, months, or years
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and collect and graph data
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and add and subtract numbers within 1000, using standard procedures (algorithms)
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and recall multiplication number facts to 10 x 10 and related division facts
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and recognize parallel, perpendicular, and equal sides in 2-D shapes
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and measure length, using metric units
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and tell time, using analog and digital clocks
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and add and subtract numbers within 10 000, including decimal numbers, using standard procedures (algorithms)
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and multiply and divide three-digit natural numbers by one-digit natural numbers, using standard procedures (algorithms)
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and classify quadrilaterals and triangles, using angle and side measurements
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and measure and calculate the area of rectangles
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent and interpret data in various graphs
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and add and subtract numbers within 1 000 000, including decimal numbers, using standard procedures (algorithms)
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and multiply three-digit natural numbers by two-digit natural numbers, using standard procedures (algorithms)
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and add and subtract fractions with common denominators
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and write and evaluate algebraic expressions
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and classify shapes, using symmetry
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and calculate the area and perimeter of rectangles