- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and take part in physical activities that bring enjoyment
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and use spatial awareness to move safely during various physical activities
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and support their social-emotional well-being through healthy relationships
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and explore a variety of foods that help their body grow
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and communicate personal boundaries through words and actions
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and recognize that changes in the body can result from participating in physical activity
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and demonstrate various ways of moving safely through space during physical activity
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and practice words and actions that support friendship
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and examine decision making in food selection
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and practice ways to express, request, obtain, or refuse consent relating to personal boundaries
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and participate in physical activities that require various levels of exertion and energy
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and use movement skills from one physical activity in another physical activity
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and reflect on how personal relationships are maintained or strengthened
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and explore recommendations from a variety of food guidelines to support nutritional decisions
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and discuss that decisions for safety include requesting, obtaining, giving, or refusing consent
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and understand that active living is an important step for leading a healthy life
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and apply movement elements when engaging in physical activity
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and resolve conflict by sharing the responsibility in coming to fair solutions to problems
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and examine how food-preparation techniques can affect the characteristics of common foods
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and practice permission and refusal skills in a variety of contexts
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and participate in a variety of physical activities that develop various components of physical fitness
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and integrate elements of movement in various physical activities
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and understand that individuals have the right to live in healthy, and safe environments
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and describe changes that happen during puberty
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and identify sources of credible nutritional information to determine the requirements for balanced food choices
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and identify situations where responsibility supports the rights and feelings of others
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and describe internal and external factors that influence motivation to be physically active
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and combine movement skills to perform movement patterns in a variety of physical activities
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and understand that perspectives can be shaped or shared by using effective listening and communication skills
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and identify positive health practices during puberty
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and research that nutrition provides energy and nourishment to the body and supports body systems
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and analyze how responsibility includes respecting the acceptance or refusal of consent from another